"The Crafting Bee delivered the best product a customer could ask for. Every detail was executed so perfectly. I will most definitely be coming back for more".
- Wyandon
"This was amazing! I ordered a custom banner with an illustration of my roommate’s puppy for her birthday, and it was perfect. She was so happy with the illustration that she even framed one of the pieces of the banner as a keepsake. I’m looking forward to more birthdays/celebrations so I can order again!"
- Jessica
"Thanks to the custom greeting cards my new fave hobby is gifting one for all my people on their birthdays! It has been a huge hit! Absolutely love them".
- Kyra
This birthday bundle was the perfect package to decorate and office with! All of the faces looked exactly like the photo that was sent in and the detailing was SPOT ON! The confetti and card in the package is too cute & the pic sticks are perfect for a cake/cupcakes! Will definitely be buying from here again!!
- Erin
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